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New excitation method of stimulated Raman scattering achieves natural-linewidth-limit spectral lines

In a new paper ( published in Light: Science & Applications, a team led by Dr. Hanqing Xiong from the National Biomedical Imaging Center, College of Future Technology at Peking University (Beijing, China) reported a novel method named transient stimulated Raman scattering (TSRS) (Fig.1).

The team manipulated the interference of vibrational wave packets in the time domain by broadband femtosecond laser pulse trains, and finally achieved natural-linewidth-limit Raman spectra at sub-mM sensitivity in a Fourier spectroscopic way. Furthermore, TSRS hyperspectral imaging of living Hela cells has been comprehensively performed in the Raman fingerprint region, the cell-silence region, and the popular C-H stretching region (Fig.2). To show the advantage of the natural-linewidth-limit spectral resolution, The team also preliminarily constructed a set of high-density Raman probes with Raman mode intervals down to 12 cm-1, and further demonstrated its corresponding barcode imaging (Fig.3). The paper was published under the title of „Transient Stimulated Raman Scattering Spectroscopy and Imaging“.

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